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Optimising Digital Acceleration with Hyperautomation of Cloud Services

Niall Kennedy COO

Disruptions, on both a global and local scale, are inevitable. Whatever the cause, whether it is a health crisis, a natural disaster, an economic recession, or something else, businesses need to be able to adapt to periods of increased volatility. As cloud technology has proven to be a key resource in times of change, our Product Manager, Niall, looks at the importance of hyperautomation in helping businesses remain agile.

The Importance of Customer Experience and Digital Acceleration

As the world has been forced to adapt to the ongoing health crisis and the associated societal and economic difficulties, it has been crucial that businesses have been able to continue to deliver for their customers. While cost efficiency may have been the key performance indicator for business success in 2019, now speed and customer experience take precedence.

Given the challenges of delivering during a pandemic, those businesses that have been open to the necessity of digital acceleration, and the inclusion of cloud in their IT infrastructure, have been the best equipped to adapt to the fluctuating market conditions. They have been better able to meet their customers’ expectations, in spite of their or other worldly situation, and therefore are more likely to survive.

The Risk of Organisational Debt

Although cloud has become an integral tool for business continuity, there are some common challenges to be aware of.

Cloud can be complicated. It can be difficult to set up and to manage and can require a large amount of time and expertise to align it with a business’ unique needs. If a company introduces a cloud solution that is not built for purpose, they may begin to accumulate organisational debt.

Organisational debt, a phrase coined by Steve Blank, initially referred to the compromises a business made in its early stages, around people and culture. However, it has been expanded to encompass any decision that prioritises speed over what may be the right course of action. It can include shortcuts made to strategy, technical process, structure and security, resulting in the build-up of quick fixes that render a company less adaptable to change as it grows and evolves.

In relation to cloud, if businesses cut corners when provisioning cloud, to get a job done as quickly as possible, they may fail to recognise they are using the sub-optimal source of compute, resulting in wasted resource and/or increased costs. Without acknowledging the individual requirements of each and every workload, companies suffer from solutions that have not been optimised for their purpose.

To avoid the associated costs of organisational debt, businesses need to understand the aspects of cloud that they can hyperautomate. Hyperautomation is used to describe the automation of business practices using AI, machine learning and other big data processes to reduce the risk of manual error. According to Gartner, hyperautomation is “the key to both digital operational excellence and operational resiliency.”

One way in which a business can apply hyperautomation to their cloud solution is through the use of automated scheduling and provisioning strategies. By using a solution that could align every workload to the best source of compute available, businesses could reduce costs, improve performance and make sure they avoid accumulating organisational debt.

Ultimately hyperautomation, and the prevention of organisational debt, will enable businesses to quickly pivot and respond to external market conditions, ensuring they can continue to deliver and improve customer experience.

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